We had just get back from Andi's doctor a while ago for her four months immunization. Her doctor said, that her development is above average right now. She was surprised to see her two teeth in front. And I guess her upper tooth is coming soon too. I saw her rubbing it with her thumb.
She checked the ff developments:1. Her weight is
ok2. Her height is 95% above her normal age. She is tall :-)
3. She could lift her head straight when you pull her up.
4. Head circumference is good.
5. Her vitals are good.
6. She responds to the light and sound
7. She could roll on her side and grab things
8. She could sit up straight with support
9. Having a flat at the back of her head but normal.
10. Rash on her face but not too much. Advise me to moisturize with
petroleum twice a day.
She told me that I could start introducing solids too since
Andis development is quite advance. But I think I could wait a little bit longer when she is five months old. I don't
usually used ready to eat baby food. With
Gabz I prepared her own food until such time that she was able to eat our table food.
I am glad that Andi is doing very well and that her development is above average. We will see her doctor on her six months check up.